Look, PurelyCoffeeBean gets it! I really do! You want the best coffee makers in 2020, made for the least amount of money, and with the most convenience. Well, there is a trade-off between these three elements: you can have any two of them, but not all three at the same time!

Taken at the opening day of Nanjichang International Street Photography Exhibition, Taipei, on April 30th, 2016. (c) Kenneth Dickson, 2020.
This page aims to help you focus on which elements of the coffee making process are important to you and which coffee makers, grinders & roasters help you do that!
So we’ll delve into the world of coffee equipment: from handmade coffee makers to automatics to full on roasters! I’ll try to give you an indication of where they live on the coffee triangle I mentioned earlier. In another post, I delve into reader’s questions about their coffee maker is broken.
What will I learn about the best coffee makers?
- How do I choose the best coffee makers?
- Should I choose a brand name coffee maker or not?
- What kind of warranty do I get?
- What factors should I consider: capacity, speed, convenience?
- What are the twelve best coffee makers?
- Bonus – What unusual types of coffee makers are there?
- What are the best three types of coffee grinders?
- #1 – How do you grind coffee with a blade grinder?
- #2 – Why is a burr coffee grinder better?
- #3 – Are conical burr grinders really better?
- How do I roast my own coffee beans at home?
- What types of coffee roaster can you buy for the home?
- What other coffee questions do you have?
- You can ask, and have them answered, here!
How do I choose the best coffee makers in 2020?
PurelyCoffeeBeans reckons that if you need to choose coffee makers, being faced with dozens of choices can be a challenge. Sometimes you just want to close your eyes, say a prayer, and point to the nearest one… right?
This article helps you to breakdown the choices for the top quality coffee roasters, grinders & coffee makers by looking at central issues to coffee maker ownership that I have faced over the years.
Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash
Whichever type of coffee maker you eventually choose to purchase, the issues of brand name, warranty, and usability will determine both the type of coffee maker and the particular model/manufacturer.
Should you choose coffee makers with a brand name or not?
When you are shopping for the best coffee maker, would you buy a brand name or not? In my recent shopping trip, I did prefer to buy a brand name coffee maker over some of the unbranded coffee machines available. Why?
Presentation: The branded machines tend to look nicer, have a better overall design, and use better quality materials. If you’re house-proud, or have a lovely kitchen, you may be looking for a machine the complements your kitchen design. Most coffee makers are a little too big to hide in a cupboard or under a shelf.
Quality: The unbranded machines looked flimsy and felt cheap. I don’t have the confidence that I would be still using them in a year’s time, even if they didn’t break down. I’m a little ham-fisted, so brittle or poor quality fittings can get broken.
Experience: Having bought both branded and unbranded machines, I’ve tended to buy brand coffee machines in recent years, because they seemed to produce better coffee, more consistently. They also lasted longer than unbranded rivals, and were backed up by decent warranties (that I never needed).
Replacement Parts: Getting replacement parts, like jugs or filters for drip coffee makers, can be an issue for unbranded machines, esp. if the particular machine is only stocked for a short time. It’s generally easier to get replacement parts for branded and popular machines. For Moka Pots, replacing the internal rubber washer may be necessary.
Warranties: When you buy an appliance, make sure you get a decent manufacturer’s warranty that includes parts and labor. While coffee machines do break down, sometimes from negligence, knowing that it can be fixed gives greater assurance of quality.
Extended Warranties: This is always a tricky gamble on your part – should you buy an extended store warranty or not? Many stores will offer store warranties as an upsell on their original item, but this lead to additional costs. You may never even use it.
Energy Use: With the price of electricity rising in many places, what kind of features minimize electricity in your coffee maker? Naturally, the heating of water is the most energy intensive aspect. Does your coffee maker make appropriate amounts of coffee? Can it switch off when done? Does it consume electricity in stand-by mode?
Which warranty should you get when you choose coffee makers?
For inexpensive branded machines, a store warranty isn’t usually necessary. Unless the machine makes superb coffee, once the machine breaks down, you may be happy to upgrade anyway. If it breaks down in the initial manufacturer’s warranty period, you’re covered anyway.
For more expensive machines, though, having a store warranty may provide additional help in getting your machine fixed. But check the manufacturer’s warranty anyway. Some may offer multi-year warranties, anyway.
What capacity, speed, convenience should you consider?
How many cups of coffee will you be making using the best coffee maker? If you are making one or two cups of coffee daily, then your initial choice may be different from, say, just needing a machine to make coffee for dinner parties.
Capacity: Size Matters
For individual use: a small French press, a Moka Pot, or a home espresso maker would be good choices – good quality coffee relatively quickly. For larger use, families, dinner parties, etc.: you may prefer to buy a drip coffee maker or a coffee percolator to produce volumes of coffee needed.
Speed of Machine
Look for a machine that makes coffee at a decent speed, or at least a speed you can live with. A simple coffee basket with an electric kettle is probably the fastest way; drip coffee makers are similarly quick. Remove the grounds or throw away the filter paper, rinse the jug, and you’re good to go!
The French Press make take a little longer, though as you have to wait for the coffee to pass through the larger grounds. Quicker to re-use, as you simply rinse out the pot, and start again. The Moka Pot is attractive, but a little slower to get going and awkward to clean. Great coffee, but limited in quantities; and it’s difficult to re-use quickly – you’ll burn your fingers!
If you have to turn on, power up, and make espresso, the espresso maker may be the fussiest for individual users. But once going, you may be able to make quite a lot of coffee.
Convenience of Cleaning
Cleaning a machine can be a burden: French presses are simply rinsed out, and left to dry. Moka Pots, while convenient, require more effort to clean out. Perhaps the most complex to clean is the home espresso maker, as a dirty machine will produce an inferior espresso shot.
In other words, your own answers to these three situations may affect your choice of the best coffee makers.
How do I choose coffee makers?
When choosing the best coffee makers your first consideration will probably be your budget. ; You can spend anywhere from twenty dollars to several thousand dollars on different kinds of coffee makers.
- First, I would encourage you to first choose a type of machine according to your budget, then buy the very best coffee maker you can in that budget range. Why? Because I believe that the best French press would easily produce a better cup of coffee than the cheapest drip coffee maker, for example.
- Secondly, look through the reviews of coffee makers at popular shopping websites, read the criticisms esp. the negative criticisms to find out what kind of problems previous customers experienced, and (most importantly) how frequently these problems occurred. Sometimes, you’ll even find an issue of a Consumer Reports helps you find the best coffee maker. Be careful about coffee maker ratings, especially when the number of ratings is quite low.
- Thirdly, try out the coffee maker if you can before you buy it. Perhaps a friend or family member has one or you can ask the store for a demonstration of the machine first – suitable if the store is selling more expensive models.
- Fourthly, check out some of the better shopping or review sites online and don’t just read the manufacturer’s description. Check the feedback from users, esp. the lower scores to see if problems are frequent, what problems there are, and whether they are problems that you might face or not.
Good luck on your choice of the best coffee maker, do drop back and let us know which one you choose, whether it makes good coffee or not, and if you would recommend the machine you bought. Once you’re done here, you can read my review of the top coffee machines (just below) available on the market and choose which type.
Or check out the best selling coffee machines at Amazon with great customer feedback.
So, what are the top twelve types of coffee makers?
What other popular types of coffee makers are right for your needs? Let’s explore coffee makers for you, along with a brief maker comparison. We welcome you to read our review of 12 best coffee makers.
#12 – Why are drip cone coffee filters better?
These coffee cones do come in a variety of materials including plastic, ceramic, wood, and metal. There are also several different sizes and shapes, the filter papers for which are not interchangeable.
Buy this coffee cone on Amazon
While the plastic cones are pretty affordable, the ceramic drippers are much more aesthetically pleasing, as is the V60! Of course, it’s arguable whether they produce better coffee. Learn more about coffee cones here.
- V60 cone
- Ceramic Cones
- Flat-bottomed Cones
Choosing plastic, glass or ceramic coffee cones has the one undesirable aspect – they can be broken. The metal and silicon cones are much tougher if you drop them. They aren’t indestructible, however. The only real issue with these drip cones is finding the right filter papers to match your size and type. They are NOT interchangeable by any means.
- Equipment Cost: 4.5 – very affordable for starting out, you don’t need much else other than a source for hot water. You really only need a decent coffee spoon, kettle (which most of us have), coffee papers for the cone.
- Convenience: 1.0 – you need a hot water source, thermometer, and you’ll need to rinse the equipment and clean up after use. You also need to learn how to get the method of making the coffee right. And you have to stand over the coffee equipment as you make it, so you can’t pull double duty cooking breakfast or getting dressed!
- Coffee Quality: 4.0 – whatever coffee you put in, you’ll get good results if you pour the water slowly and make sure the grounds are properly infused. It’s perfect for one or two cups. But the coffee cools quickly, esp. in cooler climes. And it’s hard to make coffee for your colleagues or family… it’s too small.
In short, I love my coffee cone, and despite having other coffee equipment… it suits my lifestyle. Keep reading for one that suits yours!
#11 – Is French press coffee better?
One of my favorite ways to brew coffee is with a French press. Why? Well, French Press Makers brew up a wonderful tasting coffee for you. Not only that, it’s a glamorous way to make coffee, made with lovely shiny bronzes and glass.
Buy this French Press on Amazon
Key points for the French Press:
- Makes 2~4 cups easily (or about 1 ~ 2 mugs)
- Needs coffee ground for French press, medium ground.
- Glass jugs are beautiful, but can be broken.
I’ve used quite a few over the years, and loved them for their gorgeous looks. I don’t have any now… they’re all broken!
- Equipment Cost: 4.0 – Once you buy your pot, you really don’t need to buy much else except coffee. Typically prices range from $15 to $35, the cheaper models tend to be made of plastic or cheap glass, while the more expensive models may be double-hulled to keep your beverage warm. Be careful, your French press pot can be easy to break, especially if it is glass or plastic.
- Convenience: 3.5 – It’s one of the most convenient manual methods of making coffee. Simply add several spoonfuls of an appropriate grind, add hot water, and wait for 3~4 minutes. After a few minutes, slowly press then pour. Wash up is easy too. You can simply rinse off the jug and plunger!
- Coffee Quality: 3.0 – I reckon you receive a fuller, natural flavor from the coffee by pressing your coffee in this manner. Watch for the size of coffee grounds you want to use, you need slightly larger grounds. If they’re too fine, you’ll get lots of ‘silt’ in your coffee (like a Turkish or Greek coffee almost). The biggest drawback is that the coffee does not remain hot for long, so look for a double-hulled French press pot to avert the heat loss. Also, the coffee can become bitter if you forget to press the plunger! So watch the time!
In short, if you need decent coffee in simple machine, this is for you, otherwise if you like your coffee lawsuit hot… keep reading! I’ll add more here about using and selecting a French press …
#10 – Are coffee percolators any good?
Stovetop percolators are now back in fashion (not that they ever were out) because people are realizing that these manual coffee makers make great tasting coffee! Many people are discovering that stove top percolators are also eco-friendly because they will typically use less energy than standard automatic drip coffee makers.
See this coffee percolator on Amazon
What are the perks of a percolator?
- Stovetop percolators are inexpensive.
- A percolator coffee pot can use up to 20% less coffee.
- You can adjust the strength of your coffee easily.
- For those who like a really hot cup of coffee, a percolator is the way to go.
So how does a coffee percolator actually rate?
- Equipment: 4.0 – They are really economical to buy, use and last a long time. You’ll find a range of types: electric, stovetop or even portable percolators.
- Convenience: 3.5 – It’s quick to make coffee and you don’t need to stand over the brewer as it perks away. Electric percolators will stop perking at the right time, so that you do not need to watch the coffee pot as closely as you would with a stovetop type of percolator for use on any kitchen hob.
- Coffee Quality: 2.5 – For some, the smell of coffee perking is an evocative experience of times gone by. You can control the flavor by adjusting the length of the perking period. Just don’t let the percolator boil. Lastly, you will find that your coffee is hotter than the standard drip makers offer.
If you fancy an easy way to make coffee or miss the smells of your childhood camping… consider the coffee percolator!
#9 – How long does a thermal carafe keep coffee hot?
If you drink a lot of drip coffee, you’ll find that a thermal coffee brewer offers one neat feature: the ability to keep coffee warm without exposing it to a hot plate. If you’ve ever wondered why your second cup of coffee tastes different, then this kind of coffee maker will resolve that problem for you.
Check the price of this thermal carafe on Amazon
So how does it work? You wonder… as you notice the missing hot plate! But the carafe, or double hulled jug, is the essential component. This jug is the secret to keeping your pot warm.
The real challenges with this kind of machine are:
- does it brew the coffee at an adequate temperature (because it won’t get warmer!)?
- how effective is the hulled jug at retaining the temperature?
- how easy is it to clean out the jug?
Equipment: 3.5 – The thermal coffee maker is most similar to the drip coffee maker, with one notable exception – the insulated jug. Simple to operate, simple to keep warm, and effective. The jug is the only thing that might be tricky to clean out after use, as the coffee residues may build up over time.
Convenience: 4.0 – Massively convenient, especially for those on a limited timescale in the morning, especially if it is matched with a timer for brewing. We love ours. We don’t have to attend to the brewer or turn off the hot plate, when the coffee is ready.
Coffee: 4.0 – Compared to the traditional drip coffee brewer, you’ll notice that your 2nd cup of coffee tastes much better than the stewed cuppa you might be used to.
This is what I currently use at work, and it keeps coffee warm without unduly influencing the flavor volatiles in your coffee. The thermal carafe keeps that coffee tasty and as fresh as possible!
#8 – What is the best built in coffee maker?
There is nothing more extravagant than having a built-in coffee machine right in your home kitchen!
Check out this Bosch Built In Coffee Maker @ Amazon
Extravagant or not, the convenience of an entire coffee center is a real time saver, not to mention a counter space saver, too. Spoil yourself with a built in coffee center!
- Space saving
- Range of drinks
- Automatic cleaning
You will need to find the appropriate cabinet space to accommodate your new machine. Many people find it most likely will offset any cabinetry that they would have stored their appliances in anyway. Typical installed units can make many different drinks, not just drip coffee.
Lastly, for these expensive machines, you will need to have a decent service company. Most of the machines are electronic, so calibrating their settings should be part of the maintenance schedule, otherwise the drinks may taste wrong.
Look for quality products from companies with a strong track record of maintenance and reputation. Why? Adding such high end equipment to your kitchen ultimately increases your home’s value.
- Equipment: 4.0 – They are high-end coffee machines that add value to your kitchen and your house. Make sure they make the coffee you like! Look for machines that offer plumbed-in water refilling, generous containers for coffee, grind coffee as well as use pre-ground, and have a decent amount of storage for waste product.
They are not maintenance-free, so you will need reminders to clean out the machine, replace milk or coffee, and empty the inevitable spent coffee grounds. This should be a relatively easy and quick task.
- Convenience: 4.5 – No need to drag out the coffee maker each and every morning, … everything is done at the press of a button. Stick to a regular cleaning and maintenance cycle, though.
- Coffee Quality: 2.5 – Well, what can I say? Much of that means matching the quality of the beans to the equipment. Typically, such machines will grind to preset levels, and infuse the coffee to the same kind of standards. You may need to recalibrate if settings drift or are not to your extraction standards. This could be a pfaff, especially if you’re not so technically-inclined.
I’ve found a short list of in-built coffee machine available on Amazon. Hope this helps your research!
#7 – What is the best on demand coffee maker for home use?
On demand coffee makers, such as the Cuisinart Coffee on Demand and the Hamilton Beach Brewstation, keep your coffee hot without the hassle of a glass carafe, all the while brewing exactly the amount of coffee you need!
Find these on demand coffee makers on Amazon
- A lot of advantages: There is no glass jug to break for a start… and there are so many ways to break them!
- Also, the absence of direct heat means that the coffee won’t stew if you forget to turn off the hot plate!
- They’re available at a different price point to suit your budget
Many companies manufacture on demand coffee makers, so take a look at Cuisinart, Hamilton Beach, Delonghi, etc… These types of coffee makers use an insulated container to hold your brewed coffee, and have easy dispense buttons so you can grab a cup of coffee one handed. (helpful if your arms are full of babies, reports, etc.)
Carafe-less on demand coffee makers come in a good variety of brewing sizes, from the unique Hamilton Beach Stay or Go Coffee Maker… to a full size 12-cup coffee maker. Just use whatever decent cup or mug or even your own insulated mug! Stick it in there, and you get exactly one cup of coffee whenever you need!
How do on demand coffee makers work?
Hamilton Beach Brewstation, for example, is one of the many on demand coffee makers that accepts a travel coffee mug. You press a button, and your brewed coffee dispenses into whatever container you hold under the spout.
If you like to fill tall containers such as coffee travel mugs, be certain that you select a unit that has enough clearance for your beverage container to fit under the dispenser. Most people who use the on demand type coffee makers say they will never go back to the old style of coffee makers that use a heated plate to keep the carafe of coffee hot.
Convenience: 4.0 – These coffee makers offer almost all of the coffee drippers functionality without loss of flavor. It’s perfect for the busy mother or father making small batches of coffee on the go, with minimal clean up. Rinse out the basket, wipe down the surfaces, and you should be ready for the next batch. Don’t plan on making coffee for a dinner party, though, as you could be there a while!
Equipment: 3.8 – When buying one, though, make sure you get a unit with a large enough spray head so that the water covers all of the grounds! You’ll get a better extraction that way. The other issue to check for is water temperatures. You’ll have to read the reviews to find out which models do better in both of these areas.
Coffee Quality: 3.5 – The quality of coffee output depends on a number of factors regarding the water – the temperature, the spray area, the speed of pumping the water, and the speed of filtration. These factors are all dependent on the unit’s design. You may end up with the perfect coffee or a cup of brown sludge, esp. if you don’t add the right grinds.
Tips: Unless you use purified water to brew your coffee, having a water filter is really a nice addition. After all, the best tasting coffee begins with the quality of water your pour in. The Cuisinart DCC-2000 includes a removable/replaceable water filter so that your coffee tastes its best. You will get a water filter with the Hamilton Beach Brewstation Deluxe, too. For all other Hamilton Beach coffee makers, you can purchase a water filter separately.
On Demand Coffee makers, like this Cuisinart DCC-3000 Coffee-on-Demand 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker, aim to make life just that little bit more convenient in the mornings, during coffee breaks, and at other times of the day when you fancy a cuppa but face daily home or work pressures! The coffee is available at the press of a button, and is poured into your cup or jug. The coffee tastes much fresher than leaving it on a hot plate, too!
#6 – Are grind and brew coffee makers good?
Nothing beats convenience like a coffee grinder built-in! So many people prefer having just one coffee appliance to do everything automatically:
- Start an automated program;
- Grinding the coffee beans; and
- Brewing the coffee.
It does it all, but does it do well and reliably? Let’s find out.
Buy grind and brew makers like this on @ Amazon
These grind and brew machines come with an array of features, though automatic drip machines are the most common type of these combination machines today. But you can still find complete coffee centers, like the ones from Jura, that will not only grind your beans to perfection, but also brew up a cup of espresso, cappuccino or a regular cup of coffee with the push of a button.
From simple functions to more elaborate programmable features, you will find the convenience of a maker with a built in grinder unrivalled when you want to make a fresh cup of coffee every time! Now I did have one, some friends gave me one of the cheaper models.
But it quickly died, the grinder couldn’t be adequately cleaned, so it quit grinding; then the electronics were destroyed by the steam rising from the coffee jug. Not ideal as the entire unit died within 3 months. Embarrassing for me!
Equipment: 3.0 – There is a huge range of quality and price in machines. From basic machines to high end brewers, you can find them all. However, they all suffer from the same issue: if you don’t maintain a clean machine, BOTH units will stop working. Cheaper models will only fit a blade grinder, not a ceramic grinder with burrs.
Convenience: 4.0 – Massively convenient, especially if you’re busy when you need to make coffee. Add water, press and wait! Everything is done for you! The only real issue is maintaining a cleaning schedule, esp. for the grinder which can get clogged. Also, the pot and dripper unit will need to be rinsed through.
Coffee Quality: 3.5 – Depends greatly on the machine – blade vs burr grinder; the way the water is filtered on to the grounds; the temperature of the water; and whether the unit has a hot plate. There are so many points of contact with the coffee that it is hard to predict whether your coffee will be top notch or not. Check the reviews, and buy the best machine you can!
Read more about selecting a coffee machine with grinder here. And remember, if you skimp on the coffee beans, a fancy coffee maker won’t make them taste better!
#5 – What is the smallest space saving coffee maker?
Space saver coffee machines offer full flavored coffee in tight spaces. They are typically drip type coffee makers, though you may also be able to find super automatic space savers.
Check out other space saver coffee makers at Amazon
This is also known a space saver coffee maker. You will find these types of machines available with programmable features and a thermal pot is available from some manufacturers.
Some styles will allow you to grab a quick cup without removing the entire carafe with an underside serving nozzle, so your coffee can finish brewing as intended.
Find out if a space maker coffee pot is right for you with this link …
#4 – What is French drip coffee?
Typically found in the Southern states, a French drip coffee pot is traditionally a teardrop shaped coffee pot. French Drip Type Makers are sometimes as elegant as this one (pictured). You can simply use regular ground coffee, as compared to the French press style which uses coarser grounds as recommended.
French drip coffee is the perfect type of coffee pot for small, intimate luncheons; the pot itself is a talking point, as few people have seen one in use. Some of the most beautiful designs can be found with the porcelain models. Since they do not have a heating element, they fit nicely in with your table decor.
Explore the art of French drip coffee, how to make it and supplies here.
#3 – How does a vacuum coffee maker work?
The vacuum or siphon coffee maker is something you rarely find, except with the true coffee connoisseur now days. Using a vacuum type coffee making equipment will produce a coffee that is pure and without any of the noticeable sediment that you may find in drip coffee.
Buy a siphon coffee maker like this on Amazon
Many tasters feel that coffee from a vacuum type of maker is noticeably weaker in strength, this is primarily due to the fact that vacuum brewed coffee is much more a pure cup of java.
Read more here about making coffee using a siphon coffee maker …
#2 – What is the best single cup coffee maker?
There are many types of single serve coffee machines available. Single cup coffee machines may use either pre-filled capsules or ground coffee, but you cannot use both in the same machine. The most popular machines use pods, a type of coffee-filled packet, but you can find single cup coffee machines that use whole coffee beans, too.
Check prices and models on Amazon
Typical brands of single cup coffee makers include:
Other popular choices include the Mr. Coffee, Bunn, and Philips
Single serve coffee machines mean just that … they will make one cup at a time. So I strongly suggest you do your own research before you buy a particular brand. Each has its strengths and limitations.
- You can brew a cup at a time
- It’s as simple as set and forget
- Consistent brew each and every time
- You can only brew one cup at a time
- Lots of garbage from the plastic or aluminum caps
- Quality of coffee is mediocre in most cases
- May be difficult to find your preferred coffee
- Occasionally, you’ll find grains at the bottom
Read more about single cup coffee machines on Amazon, but choose wisely.
#1 – What is the best automatic drip coffee maker?
The most common type of coffee makers, for both home and commercial use, is the automatic drip coffee maker. These drip machines begin the coffee brewing process by pumping the water through a heating element, and then slowly dripping the heated water over a basket of ground coffee. Are they the best coffee makers in 2020? Well, I’m not sure! But you could do a lot worse!
Check prices and models on Amazon
They can brew at preset times, and will keep the coffee warm on the hot plate until you’re ready. There are many popular types of drip machines, ranging from under $30 to well over $200 for the best models, but they all function in the same way.
Simple to use, I reckon that they provide an economical method to make coffee (the machines can be found for relatively little cost), you can use whatever coffee you have (but pay attention to the grind level), though some clean up is required after use.
These automatic drip machines do work pretty much by themselves, so there is no standing around while pressing matters need to be dealt with.
Bonus: What are the unusual types of coffee makers?
There quite a few quirky ways to make coffee, most are fairly affordable compared to some of more sophisticated ways of making coffee. These may not be the best coffee makers in 2020, but the offer consumers viable alternatives with unique characteristics!
Starbucks Personal Drip System
One alternative that is easier is the disposable coffee bags that fit over your cup. Starbucks calls it its Personal Drip System, but there are many companies competing in this increasingly competitive segment. It is somewhat more convenient, but experience shows that they are more expensive, while the resulting coffee isn’t as tasty.
Aeropress Coffee Maker
You can also consider the Aeropress system for decent espresso. Portable systems also can be found that provide everything in a convenient package, too.
There are a myriad of other coffee simple makers, but I’ve written about some that appealed to me below:
- HARIO V60 Coffee Maker – Automatic + Hand Drip!
- Cafflano portable coffee maker – All in One Coffee Maker
- Perfect Pod EZ Cup – Personal EZ Cup for Keurig
Espresso Coffee Makers
Espresso machines make a thick, dark, and very small amount of coffee that is used to make many different kinds of espresso drinks. There are a huge variety of espresso coffee makers on the market, and even the domestic models need more equipment, time and skill to use. You could, of course, just buy the more expensive super automatics that do everything for you!
Espresso making is more complex than I can deal with on this page, so I promise we will discuss it later on, because making espresso at home should be an enjoyable experience … not drudgery.
What other coffee equipment do I need to buy?
I highly recommend a gold filter for your drip coffee maker. It’s easy to wash, doesn’t waste endless paper, and doesn’t make coffee taste bad!
Range of coffee makers to consider @ Amazon
You can find out more about people’s experiences, ratings, pricing, and more at Amazon, of course.
What are the most common three types of coffee grinders?
Advice: Which type of coffee grinder is best?
Choosing the best coffee grinder begins with how you brew your coffee. So if you already make coffee, then this is the easy part; but if you are looking for your first coffee maker, then consider how you will make your coffee.
There are three different types of grinder that you could use for grinding coffee beans:
- the blade coffee grinder,
- the burr and conical burr grinder, and
- the manual coffee grinder
But first let’s consider your brewing method and why it’s important: Learn the secrets of grinding coffee!
Question: How do you brew your brew?
The French presses need coarser grinds than drip coffee makers do. But espresso makers need much finer grinds. So if you haven’t bought your coffee maker yet, then consider that question first!
Once you decide that, PurelyCoffeeBeans will help you find out the different ways to actually grind coffee. It’s easy to learn how to grind coffee beans well if you just follow some commonsense tips.
In general, the coarser the grind, the more the coffee needs to be soaked in the hot water to extract a fuller flavor. While espresso is strong and tastes great, the grounds are only in contact with the water for less than 30 seconds!
#1 – How do you grind coffee with a blade grinder?
Blade coffee grinders are the least expensive, as little as $10, and chop the coffee beans much like a food processor chops vegetables. However, the friction of the blades creates heat that may burn or singe the beans.
Check the price for this Shardor coffee blade Grinder on Amazon
These are not suitable for espresso and perhaps not the best overall coffee grinder. But they are preferable to buying just ground coffee. Do read the coffee bean grinders tips page on making the best of your blade grinder, if you want to get the most out of this machine!
#2 – Why is a burr coffee grinder better?
The next type of grinder is the burr coffee grinder, sometimes referred to as a flat wheel grinder. Coffee beans are crushed between two wheels, one moving and one stationary. You can control the size of the grind by adjusting the wheels to get coarse, medium, fine or Turkish grind.
Check the price for this Capresso burr coffee grinder on Amazon
A burr coffee grinder is more expensive, around $70 and up, but the flavor difference is noticeable and the beans are not altered by heat. These grinders need frequent cleaning but the results are well worth it.
#3 – Are conical burr grinders really better?
A conical burr grinder is top of the line and probably the best coffee grinder coffee beans for a perfect cup of coffee.
Check the price for this Baratza Virtuoso+ conical burr coffee grinder on Amazon
The surface of the burr grinder is conical, hence the name, so these machines allow you to choose the speed of grinding and they create less friction. This type of grinder needs more thorough and frequent cleaning than a burr grinder.
Any grinder is better than none!
If you can’t afford a top of the line burr or conical blade grinder, don’t worry! I started with a manual grinder that was a lot of fun! And, you’ll still get a better cup of coffee by buying any of these three types of coffee grinders than if you bought pre-ground beans!
How do I roast my own coffee beans at home?
Nowadays coffee bean roasters have become one of the most popular kitchen appliances. The freshness as well as flavor of the coffee is in best whenever it is being roasted at home in small batches.
Coffee drinkers can choose from different varieties of brands, shapes, sizes and colors of coffee roaster for their home brewing. But nothing can beat a freshly brewed tasty coffee which is brewed right in the total comfort of your home.
However, it is really important to own a coffee roaster if you want to experience the best flavor of coffee. You’ll also need to learn how to use it through trial-and-error! Check out this coffee roaster on Amazon
Coffee roasters are necessary for converting the green beans into the most popular beverage. Without a good coffee roaster, beans do not get the perfect balance to develop flavorful coffee.
Most of the coffees roasters are especially manufactured for professional use in the enterprises such as at big coffee shops. However smaller roaster models for the home usage have recently become popular.
What types of coffee roaster can you buy?
There are two types of coffee roaster for your home, fluid bed roasters and radiant drum roasters. The fluid bed coffee roasters actually work as a warm air popcorn making poppers. These coffee roasters have got a glass chamber for roasting, so you can easily watch coffee beans getting roasted with your naked eyes and stop whenever you want to.
These coffee roasters are great for the beginners and best way to start with the home roasting. The radiant drum roasters are like the other professional roasters. These do not have any glass chamber for watching beans getting roasted, thus while roasting coffee beans in this roasters you have to follow the sound or smell minutely.
You can select some of the really good coffee beans and easily roast them the way you like; this will give you a chance to taste some of the best flavors of coffee. So if you have not tried this home coffee roasting, then get set to experience this fantastic treat. It’s a great way to get the best coffee for the best coffee makers ever!
Your experience of coffee drinking will not be the same when you will taste the refreshing cup of coffee you prepared with your own coffee roaster.
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